I also had Halo 1 the Holday before Halo 2 when it came out, then I eventually sold my xbox and got 2 broken ones (really just had dirty disk drives) for free which I softmodded, added lights and painted. I was the LAN party man, 7 people at a time we played oddball rockets on prisoner, to 15 minute holding time. I got over 500 kills, the most out of all of the people. Well, I was always the high score my own LAN parties, I guess I was always leet. I made a montage for halo pc and halo 2 but it has been vanished due to a Hard drive format.
My first hand made computer fueled my FPS addiction more then softmodded Xboxes could since PCs were well beyond consoles at the time(Picture of the computer at the top). I've played over 590 hours of counter-strike source but that was a while back. My desktop is an AMD64 3200+ socket 939, 2GB patriot DDR2 ram, a SATA 250GB HDD, and a Sapphire x800GTO 512MB(GDDR2), the thing sounds like a vacuum with stock fans. I've changed the case after this picture, now its a basic black Ultra Wizard case, it was $40.00 with a $40 dollar rebate online somewhere a while back, less fans less noise.
I got a halo 3 edition Xbox 360 on Christmas 2007, so I played massive amounts of Halo 3, and I was pumped for double EXP that I've stayed up till 7AM for it, anyways I've earned 60,000 kills during 4,000 games, and yes over 1,300 wheelman medals. This was my only 360 game for a very long time, I bought Vegas 2 during August 2008 but I traded it for Halo 2 and some headphones, because of third person cover system.
Christmas 2008 I got Call of Duty 4 Xbox 360...
I achieved 10th prestige in Call of Duty 4 on Xbox 360 in 67 days averaging 4.4 hours per day, and I even waited to prestige for my golden AK, I now have my second gold AK and a Kill/Death ratio of 1.72 (it was 1.74 till I played hardcore headquarters). I am now enjoying a new PC game called Crossfire by suba games it has a very nice online system and I have an AWM(AWP from CS but 5 shots) And not a lot of people have it so its really fun. My youtube gaming videos are at the bottom of this post, I've made quite a few but I'm yet to get 1,000 viewers on any.
My halo 3 service record
MyXfire profile page, it doesn't show crossfire time played because I have to close it playing on my laptop.
My FPS Youtube videos
From newest to oldest, barely any people watched them, and all the URLs have &FMT=18 added to the end for high quality format.COD4 Xbox
(cam capture, but very good quality videos)
REMIX Call of Duty 4 Montage by M450N x1337 [High Quality] [Ultra High Quality]warning rap music about call of duty is offensive :), same clips but in a better order from the next one better quality encoding though.Call of Duty 4 Montage by M450N x1337 [High Quality...but not very clear] this is my bands music though, check it out the first song is called Call of Duty.
Halo 3
Halo 3 Multikills Turkey Day DoubleEXP Nov08 M450N x1337 [High Quality]Lots of multikills, a killtrocity with a sword in the beginning
M450N x1337 7 minutes of Headshots Halo 3 [High Quality] Clips from my two sniper montages of just headshots, nothing in between.
M450N x1337 Team snipers #1 montage [High Quality]
M450N x1337 Team snipers #2 montage [High Quality]
Halo 3 DLC Rampage, Killtrociy, Untouchable: M450N x1337 [High Quality]
Team Snipers Montage Double Exp Weekend M450N x1337 [High Quality]
M450N x1337's one day of Halo 3 highlights [High Quality]
M450N x1337's Halo 3 Montage #3 Funny [High Quality] Funny sound clips that go with the video its entertaining, not intended as "ownage" its just the end of my original montage that started with #1 but I cut into 3 pieces.
Epic CINEMATIC Halo 3 Flag capture! [High Quality] This is the most entertaining clip I've made that's only about a minute long its on Valhalla and we just drive up and take the flag, the rest you'll have to watch. I took 4 views from the theater movie worth of captures, chopped them up into one film, and the music goes along with some explosions.
M450N x1337's Halo 3 Montage #2 [High Quality] The most random clips that people hated on, because I didn't say it was part of a 20 minute video this was the filler, with double kills and beat downs.
M450N x1337's Halo 3 Montage #1 [High Quality] The first part of my first montage, take a look, my newer ones show improvement, but its worth a watch.
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